martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

Vuelta a la sabana

Today I was waiting for a cousin to ride some kilometers around the city, but as always, my tropicals relatives were late, so, I decided to ride alone, but, what the hell, I was alone, so, why not to train some kilometers around the city.

When I was starting the ascent, a girl surpassed me, so, that was a challenge, try to stop this girl before she gets to the top. I had 184 bpm at the final sprint (for me was amazing) (this
girl was the cousin of Lance Armstrong), she won for 50 meters. But I´m in the way to improve my training, to get more fit. Next time she only will see my ass far, far away...

I did 92.8 km with a max altitude of 3005 meters (Los patios high), (min 2575) and a 550 meters of total vertical ascent.

Calories: 2534 kcal
Duration 3:43:00
Average Heart Rate: 137 bpm
Max Heart Rate: 184 bpm
Speed Avg: 27.71 km/h
Cadence Avg: 78 rpm

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

1605 m ascent training

Hi guys, yesterday I did a really impresive training, was the first time for me, I did 21 km of mountain, starting at San Francisco, Colombia at 1700 meters above sea level. Was warm and wet, Alberto my ecology teacher and me started to climb until 2850 m, that was the max. altitude. At the start, at 1700 m with a lot of oxygen, that was easy, but at the end... was horrible.

Of course, if you do some mathematics, you only can account 1150 meters of ascent, but you must take into the account that Bogota is at 2600 meters, so, we did 2 ascents, and the total was 1605.


Distance: 83 km
Calories: 2806 kcal
Duration: 3:28:43
Average Heart Rate: 150
Speed avg: 28.7 km/h
Speed max: 61.7 km/h
Cadence Avg: 75 rpm
Cadence max: 98 rpm

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

Spinning Class

Yesterday I returned to gym. But, of course, I will start to train to improve my performance on the bike. So, I have started a Spinning class, is different, full of women, and the sensation is like you are over the rollers in your house. I did 45 min of spinning and I burned almost 500 kcal, no bad.

Also, I did some working up, and today I´m feeling very tired. So today I don´t going to train. Maybe tomorrow.