lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Bogota Mesitas Bogota

Hi guys, I´ve been riding all weekend, but I have not cateye or whatever, so, I will suppose the statistics. I think that I did near to 140 km yesterday, riding downhill from 2800 meters above level of the sea, to 720, and today I did all way back but uphill, I´m very tired, but happy, I did a great job.

See you soon.

sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010

La carbonissima has arrived

Finally, today I´ve received my brand new bike, la carbonissima is the name, I will show you some pictures.

Weight: 8.945 gr
Size: 55
Carbon: All
Group: Shimano Tiagra Triple
Wheels: Mavic Aksium Race (Aluminium)

Next change, I will buy a new group (maybe SRAM red, I will save almost 1 kg), I hope.

Also, I travelled to Subachoque with Karen, she is starting, and today she did a 65 km ride, I think that this is very good for a beginner... We need to improve the time trial statistics (today we´ve ridden almost 5 hours), but still very good.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

170 bpm media

Hey guys, today I started to climb, because I´ve read the Lance Armstrong´s Book and he suggest that the best way to improve my cycling is try to climb every day.

I´m gifted because I lived in one of the mountain zone in earth, here in Colombia we have a beautiful plateau at 2600 meters above level of the sea, if you know here the air is thinner (less than 0,9 kg/m3 of density, normally at the level of the sea, the density is 1,2 kg/m3) and we can ride at 35 km/hr (21 mph) with no aerodynamic problems, but to reach 40 km/h (25 mph) we need a peloton to "cut the air".

Also I have many good climbs next to my home: Patios hill (6,9 km climb from 2600 to 3000 m), and more than 8 roads that start at 300 meters above level of the sea and finish at 2900 meters, in my case is normal to climb only 20 km at maximum, because I´m not a professional.

Today I´ve climbed patios hill, I only have to ride 30 minutes from my home to reach the start, and then I have 6,9 km to have fun, real fun. Let me show you a graphic about the climb from:

So, that´s my mountain for the next month, today I did 34 minutes, I have some records, 33 and 31 minutes, but maybe I have some problems to calculate them, so for now, the official is 34 on my 13,5 kg mountain bike, because my chinese brand new bike (I don´t know yet the weight, I hope 8 to 9 kg) is still in the mechanic...

Today I have tried to mantain a 170 bpm, my max is 189 (according to my age, 31 years old), but today I made a new record 192 bpm (yeap!), as a 28 years old male... I don´t know if this is good for my health, but I will try to improve my bpm at all cost.

At the end of the hill, the last km I boost my bpm to 180 and the final sprint was a 192 bpm (almost 23 km/h at 7% of slope). That was good, very good.

But in the reality, a bunch of old guys (4 guys over 60 years old), passed me by at the middle of the hill, and they were drinking gatorade at the top when I arrived..., so that´s what I´m talking about, I don´t wanna win the Tour de France, I only want to defeat this guys, at all cost, no matter what it takes...

Finally, my statistics (for all the training).

p.s. I´m very happy!!

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

New bike

Hi guys, my brand new bike has arrived (from Hong Kong of course), my mechanics are assembling it and I hope the first days of May I will have it, I´m very happy, and I hope that I will improve my records because is entirely in carbon (less weight), however with the same Shimano Tiagra group and mavic aksium tires. Soon some pictures...

domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010


Hi guys, today I was doing some research about the altimetry of my Vuelta a la Sabana, let me show you something. 0 meters are 2550 meters above level of the sea, and the peak is at 3000 meters. I only found a 23 km of altimetry, the other part is flat terrain.

sábado, 27 de marzo de 2010

Distance record (140 km)

Hi guys, I´ve been riding 4:30 hours in flat terrain today. Happy, exhausted, but with a lot of km in my pocket. Statistics:

Distance: 134 Km (But my cateye says 140...)
Total kcal: 3303 kcal
Speed avg: 31 km/hr

I have to go, but tomorrow I will continue training. Happy Holy Week!

jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

Uphill braking records

Hi guys, today I have trained uphill, and I did my best time riding uphill a 6,9 km mountain (from 2600 to 3000 meters above level of the sea), and the clock stop at 33 minutes, very good, but is not enough, I will train to get this record under 30 minutes, keeping my bpm up to 170 all way long.

In the graph you can see my bpm, 28 minutes uphill up to 161 bpm.

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

3 days training

Hi guys, I´ve been training all the weekend (also monday), so I have visited many places, but next week I have to return to study seriously, because I need to finish my thesis someday.

I have discovered that I can go uphill standing on pedals (all hill), now I need more cadence and speed (maybe I´ll need something more, like a new heart (a horse one)), so I´ll start to practice this technique (I´ve seen many Tour de France videos...).




Average heart rate

Maximum heart rate

Speed avg

Speed max

Cadence avg

Cadence max




Average heart rate

Maximum heart rate

Speed avg

Speed max

Cadence avg

Cadence max




Average heart rate

Maximum heart rate

Speed avg

Speed max

Cadence avg

Cadence max

viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010

Mexican Training

Today a Jalisco´s Team was training at the library, I was in a incredible group, so I had a very fast training.

What can I say, I only have my statistics:

Total km
Average heart rate
Maximum heart rate
Speed avg
Speed max
Cadence avg
Cadence max

sábado, 13 de marzo de 2010


Hi, today I have done almost 93 km. Very good, because in the middle we had a nice 300 vertical meters mountain (canicas), more or less 7 km uphill, very good exercise.

After that we did 35 km very fast (average 40 km/hr) and I were at the front of the peloton, very nice sensation, like the professionals (but they use to ride at 50km/hr).

But today I was not alone, I did my training with 2 friends (Chloe and Sergio), an a elderly guy who draft us all the trip, nice guy too. Good company nice weather. I´ll be waiting for the raining season.

So, statistics:




Average heart rate

Maximum heart rate

Speed avg

Speed max

Cadence avg

Cadence max

martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

Vuelta a la sabana

Today I was waiting for a cousin to ride some kilometers around the city, but as always, my tropicals relatives were late, so, I decided to ride alone, but, what the hell, I was alone, so, why not to train some kilometers around the city.

When I was starting the ascent, a girl surpassed me, so, that was a challenge, try to stop this girl before she gets to the top. I had 184 bpm at the final sprint (for me was amazing) (this
girl was the cousin of Lance Armstrong), she won for 50 meters. But I´m in the way to improve my training, to get more fit. Next time she only will see my ass far, far away...

I did 92.8 km with a max altitude of 3005 meters (Los patios high), (min 2575) and a 550 meters of total vertical ascent.

Calories: 2534 kcal
Duration 3:43:00
Average Heart Rate: 137 bpm
Max Heart Rate: 184 bpm
Speed Avg: 27.71 km/h
Cadence Avg: 78 rpm

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

1605 m ascent training

Hi guys, yesterday I did a really impresive training, was the first time for me, I did 21 km of mountain, starting at San Francisco, Colombia at 1700 meters above sea level. Was warm and wet, Alberto my ecology teacher and me started to climb until 2850 m, that was the max. altitude. At the start, at 1700 m with a lot of oxygen, that was easy, but at the end... was horrible.

Of course, if you do some mathematics, you only can account 1150 meters of ascent, but you must take into the account that Bogota is at 2600 meters, so, we did 2 ascents, and the total was 1605.


Distance: 83 km
Calories: 2806 kcal
Duration: 3:28:43
Average Heart Rate: 150
Speed avg: 28.7 km/h
Speed max: 61.7 km/h
Cadence Avg: 75 rpm
Cadence max: 98 rpm

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

Spinning Class

Yesterday I returned to gym. But, of course, I will start to train to improve my performance on the bike. So, I have started a Spinning class, is different, full of women, and the sensation is like you are over the rollers in your house. I did 45 min of spinning and I burned almost 500 kcal, no bad.

Also, I did some working up, and today I´m feeling very tired. So today I don´t going to train. Maybe tomorrow.

viernes, 29 de enero de 2010

Training with Oscar Sevilla

Today I was, as everyday, riding my bike at the Library. But when I was ready to return home, somebody says: "Hey, he is Oscar Sevilla, he is a famous Pro". Of course, I was seeing a very consistent rider, but I didn´t know that he was professional. I did another 10 km behind this guy, seeing his bicycle and analizing his technic. So, I´m happy. Some pictures, but I´m not there, because I didn´t have a camera.