viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

Ok, Library again

Today I woke up early in the morning, at 6:00 I was riding my bike, I couldn´t ride with the fast & furious team, because I have a little eye pain, I haven´t bought a professional sunglasses, so I can´t ride fast (& furious) enought.

So, I will ask Santa for my sunglasses (mayble the Livestrong Oakley Sunglasses), instead of that we have in Colombia a Baby God, for the presents. So, PLEASE, I want my sunglasses, send this by Ebay, thanks.


Distance: 76.1 km

Calories: 1836 kcal

Duration: 02:25:21

Average Heart Rate: 144 bpm

Maximum Heart Rate: 174 bpm

Speed avg: 31.4 km/h

Speed max: 44.5 km/h

Cadence avg: 88 rpm

Cadence max: 136 rpm

Best lap (1.5 km)

Speed avg: 36.76 km/h

Speed max: 38.6 km/h

Time: 02:26

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I thought I joined a running challange in Polar. But it looks like it´s biking. To cold to bike here =( Good luck with your training, and hope your eye get better!
